
Invisalign Services in Athens, AL

2022 Invisalign Preferred Provider Dr. Brad Beasley
The technology behind Invisalign braces was developed in the late 1990s. Invisalign is gaining rapidly in popularity, because it is so comfortable, because no one can tell you're wearing braces, and because it is so fast—treatments take half as long as conventional wire-and-bracket braces.

When Dr. Beasley determines that your case is appropriate for Invisalign, he will take detailed dental impressions of your teeth, then those impressions will be scanned by a computer. State-of-the-art computer technology will then manufacture for you a series of clear plastic aligners, each of which is worn for about two weeks. Dr. Beasley also provides invisalign treatment for teens in Huntsville, Athens, and surrounding areas.

Invisalign treatment picture from satisfied patient, Huntsville, AL

Mary Alice received Invisalign treatment combined with crown and bridge work, with this result. Visit Mary Alice's smile gallery page to read exactly what Dr. Beasley did for her.

Invisalign Advantages

Invisible braces have several advantages over conventional wire-and-bracket braces

  • Dr. Beasley is a 2022 Preferred Invisalign Provider for patients in Huntsville & Athens. Dr. Beasley provides Invisalign consults to determine if this treatment is right for you.
  • As the name suggests, they are nearly invisible, so it is hard for others to tell that you are undergoing orthodontic treatment. This is often appealing to adults who have waited until later in life to pursue orthodontic care.
  • Dr. Beasley ia a 2022 Preferred Invisalign Provider.
  • Invisalign braces move teeth faster than conventional wire and bracket braces. The average treatment time is just 12 months, which is about half the treatment time of conventional braces.
  • They are removable—you can take them out to brush and floss your teeth as you would normally, and there are no restrictions on what you can eat or drink.
  • They are much more comfortable than conventional braces. Those who have worn brackets and wires know how they poke your cheeks and gums and make them sore. With Invisalign, there is none of that.
  • They don't catch food, because you remove them to eat. Wires and brackets, since they always catch food, greatly increase the risk of tooth decay. Sometimes when brackets are removed, they reveal white spots or brown spots on the teeth because of the damage caused by entrapped food.

Disadvantages of Invisalign

  • Unfortunately, Invisalign isn't right for every situation. You need to be evaluated by Dr. Beasley to see if it is right for you. The good news is that you can schedule an individualized consultation to find out. See the link below.
  • Invisible braces may be a little more expensive than other forms of orthodontic work, depending on the complexity of your case.
  • While your speech can be affected by the aligners, it isn't affected as much as with traditional braces, and the effect usually goes away once you adapt to the aligners.
  • Invisalign can not be used with patients under 14 years of age, whose adult teeth have not fully erupted.
  • Because the aligners are removable, you must have the maturity and self-discipline to leave the aligners in place.

Frequently Asked Questions about Invisalign

Are the invisalign aligners uncomfortable? Do they hurt?

In general, there is less mouth irritation with invisible braces than there is with convention braces. The aligners will initially feel as if they do not fit, and that is because their purpose is to move your teeth.

Does insurance cover orthodontic treatment with Invisalign?

If your insurance covers orthodontic treatment, then the answer is yes . Always check with your provider, of course, before starting any course of orthodontic treatment.

Do dentists or orthodontists need special certification to treat patients with Invisalign?

Yes, your dentist or orthodontist must be trained and then certified by Invisalign the way Dr. Beasley is before their lab will process their cases.

Athens, AL Invisalign

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